Does Your Heart Need a Checkup?

The body can tell you a lot when you listen. The problem is, when “interesting” signs and symptoms appear, what we really want to do is turn away. This kind of denial can lead to serious consequences. Here, we want to discuss a few ways your heart may be asking for a checkup. Also, we want to remind you that there are numerous ways to support a healthy heart, and to address issues such as heart disease, so you can live a long and vibrant life. Additionally, The team at Premier Cardiology Consultants is here to help you.
Symptoms For A Heart Checkup
- Chest pain. Chest pain doesn’t need to be sudden or severe to need attention. At the same time, if you commonly experience some type of chest pain, this does not mean you have heart disease. Sometimes, this is a simple manifestation of stress. The thing is, you need to know. If you have become aware of persistent or frequent chest pain, take note. Then call your doctor to talk about it.
- Heart palpitations. A skipping heartbeat is only cute when two lovers meet on the Big Screen. In real life, this is something that you want your doctor to assess. The very existence of palpitations means that the heart’s rhythm has been thrown off. What we want to understand is why. In some cases, it a matter of too much caffeine or stress, or the physical effects of working out. Again, take note and schedule a heart checkup with your doctor.
- Chronic lethargy. If you just can’t seem to get enough sleep to actually feel good, it could be because your heart is under stress. Many of the common sleep disorders that we know of, including restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea, are associated with heart disease.
- Shortness of breath. Breathing is so natural we know what feels right for us. Shortness of breath that occurs when lying down or during minor exertion, such as walking across the room, can indicate a lung or heart problem.
- Swelling in the lower extremities. If your feet, ankles, or legs begin to swell suddenly, it could be because blood is not being pumped well enough by the heart. Swelling may signal a buildup of blood and fluid in the veins, a symptom that requires evaluation.
The development of any symptom that involves the heart can create unnecessary worry. Don’t let this stop you from seeing your doctor right away. Discovering that your heart is healthy or that a minor problem can be managed or corrected with appropriate therapy can restore your peace of mind. We’re here to help you. To Schedule a visit to our Richmond Hill, Lake Success, or Forest Hills office, call 516-437-5600 today!
Posted in: Health and Wellness
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