Ablation Specialist

Premier Cardiology Consultants
Cardiologists located in New Hyde Park, Lake Success, Rochdale, Richmond Hill, Forest Hills & Jamaica, NY
When abnormal cells within your heart are causing irregular heartbeats that interfere with your life or threaten your health, you may be a candidate for ablation. You can rely on the widely acclaimed specialists at Premier Cardiology Consultants for all aspects of your cardiac health, including ablation. They have offices in New Hyde Park on Long Island, and Forest Hills, Rochdale, Jamaica, and Richmond Hill in Queens, New York, for your convenience. If you’re one of the millions of Americans experiencing ongoing problems with arrhythmia, schedule a visit today. Call the office or book your appointment online.
Ablation Q & A
What is ablation?
Your heart normally beats regularly and in proper sequence as a response to electrical signals that travel along specialized pathways into its four chambers.
Abnormal cells can create chaotic and out-of-sync electrical signals that may cause irregular or rapid heartbeats known as arrhythmias.
These arrhythmias become significant when they disrupt the heart’s ability to pump blood normally.
Most individuals respond well to medications that help control the speed and rhythm of their heartbeats.
Some people, however, have serious side effects on these medications. For others, medications have no effect.
In these cases, your physician may recommend ablation, which essentially destroys the abnormal cells causing the irregularity.
The goal of ablation is to restore a normal rhythm and rate and eliminate or greatly reduce your symptoms.
What are the symptoms of arrhythmia?
The most common arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation and symptoms may include:
- Palpitations
- Fluttering sensation in your chest
- Feeling faint
- Shortness of breath
- Unexplained weakness
- The sensation that your heart is pounding
Very often, however, you may not experience any physical signs of arrhythmia.
What causes atrial fibrillation?
The abnormalities associated with atrial fibrillation may be due to congenital defects. Conditions that can also lead to atrial fibrillation include:
- Coronary artery disease
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Previous heart attack
- Sleep apnea
- Viral infection
When conservative treatment with medications doesn’t work, your symptoms may become severe enough to interfere with your routine daily activities.
What happens during an ablation?
Ablation takes place at the hospital, during which radiofrequency (RF) energy is used to destroy the heart tissue causing the arrhythmia.
Delivered via a long tube (catheter) inserted in a vein traveling to your heart, that’s carefully monitored via specialized imaging studies by your specialist, the RF energy destroys or ablates damaged tissue and leaves healthy tissue untouched.
Depending on the areas being treated, catheter ablation generally requires 4-6 hours to complete. You’re sedated throughout and monitored carefully during and after the procedure. Patients typically spend a night in the hospital after a catheter ablation procedure.
If you’re experiencing problems with arrhythmia that aren’t helped by medication or other conservative therapies, schedule a consult regarding catheter ablation. Call the office or book your visit online.
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