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Fighting Heart Disease is Easier Than You May Think

Current statistics indicate that heart disease is a major problem for men and women around the world, taking nearly 7 million lives annually. Earlier this year, the American Heart Association joined with Google’s Life Sciences division to announce a $50 million contribution to research and development for a specific group of scientists, aiming to change the game of medicine. This investment could prove incredibly fruitful for modern therapeutic treatments. However, if we look at existing research, we can see the significance of readily available tools for the prevention and treatment of this concerning the disease.

Data is not lacking for validity nor consistency, and here is what it says: it is possible to prevent – and to reverse (that’s right) – heart disease with healthy lifestyle habits. Data that has been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that we could cut the number of heart disease deaths in 45-79-year-olds in half by eliminating other health conditions, namely, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and high blood pressure, as well as smoking.

What does each of the listed health conditions have in common? They are all related to eating habits. So the bottom line of research is that if a person stops smoking and resolves these conditions, their life could be saved.

There is nothing sophisticated or complex about implementing lifestyle habits to change your risk of heart disease. The problem is, most people don’t do it.

Baby Steps

Changing dietary and lifestyle habits all at once can feel overwhelming, even if you know without a doubt that you could be saving your own life. What can make this change easier is taking baby steps, and being compassionate with yourself as you do? Maybe eating the occasional apple won’t do much for your health. But if you add an apple as a daily snack, you will have to eat 3 bushels of apples in a year! That would add heaps of antioxidants and fiber to your body. Another way to make a big difference could be to cut soda intake by just one can a day. On that day, it may not seem like a lot, but in that year, it adds up to 30 cases. That is a huge cut in calories and sugar.

Schedule A Consultation

There is a lot of power on your plate. Making mindful choices every day, you have the power to change your life for the better.

Do you need information or specialized cardiac care? We can help you. Call Premier Cardiology Consultants at 516-437-5600.

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Posted in: Cardiac Arrest

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