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Thinking of Becoming Vegetarian? Here’s How Your Body Can Benefit!

There is a lot of interest in meat-free diets these days, with everyone who “goes vegetarian” having their reasons for doing so. The journey from carnivore to herbivore may not be the easiest for some people, but the endeavor can be more than a little worthwhile, especially when care is taken to replace vital proteins and other nutrients with fresh fruits and vegetables. Obvious warning: going vegetarian does nothing for your health if your diet is filled with sugar and processed foods loaded with carbs and sodium.

Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet Include

You Need To Know . . .

Transitioning into a vegetarian or even a vegan diet can take time. It needs to take effort. Removing meat from the diet means severely cutting down the intake of certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and calcium. It is possible to replace vital nutrients with other foods, and also with supplements, if necessary. Just make sure you do so to gain all of the health benefits of this important life change.

Schedule A Consultation

To learn more about vegetarian diets or to schedule a consultation at one of our New York offices, please call 516-437-5600.

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