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When Should I Schedule a Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Screening? Mar 14th, 2025

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a type of peripheral vascular disease. PAD is usually related to plaque buildup, which causes narrowed arteries and reduced blood flow to the limbs, typically the legs. Early detection is crucial to prevent complications such as non-healing skin ulcers, severe infections, or amputation. And, if...

Easy Ways to Promote Good Heart Health Feb 2nd, 2025

Whether you’re looking to prevent heart issues or improve your current condition, there are simple strategies you can take to support your heart health. Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants in NYC offers top-level services to help protect and restore your cardiovascular health, from medication to intricate surgical procedures. However,...

When Do Varicose Veins Require Treatment? Jan 8th, 2025

Varicose veins are extremely common and usually despised first for their appearance. However, beyond spoiling your love for leg-baring fashions, these twisted and bulging veins can cause pain, decreased mobility, skin changes, circulatory issues, and other complications that need attention.   Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants in New York is...

What is a Peripheral Artery Disease Screening — And Who Needs One? Dec 12th, 2024

Your circulatory system includes arteries that carry freshly oxygenated blood from your heart to the rest of your body, including your abdominal organs, arms, and legs. These are peripheral arteries, which are vital to your overall health. Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants in New Hyde Park, Jamaica, and Forest...

Electrophysiology Study: What to Expect Nov 8th, 2024

The heart is an incredible organ that relies on electrical signals to maintain a steady and synchronized beat. However, when these signals go awry, you can develop life-threatening arrhythmias. Our specialists at Premier Cardiology Consultants in New York use electrophysiology studies to obtain detailed information about your heart’s electrical system....

3 Reasons Why Your Cardiologist Is Monitoring Your Heart Rhythm Oct 14th, 2024

Detecting rhythm irregularities early can prevent serious health complications linked to an abnormal heartbeat, ranging from stroke to sudden cardiac death. Our Premier Cardiology Consultants team uses reliable, highly advanced testing to detect and treat heart arrhythmias.  From studies that provide a 60-second glimpse of your heart’s rhythm to long-term...

What Does a Pacemaker Do? Sep 16th, 2024

Most adult hearts beat steadily at about 60-100 beats per minute. That’s approximately 100,000 times a day, or 3 billion times over an average lifespan. We expect heart rates to vary depending on age, activity, and fitness level. For instance, your heart typically beats more slowly when you’re resting than...

Chest Pain vs. Muscle Soreness: How to Spot the Difference Aug 1st, 2024

Chest discomfort is understandably alarming and shouldn’t be ignored. However, how quickly you seek help sometimes depends on the nature of the pain and other symptoms you might experience. Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants provides personalized, top-level cardiac care for patients of all ages. You can visit us at...

How to Prepare for Your First MUGA Scan Jul 22nd, 2024

Your heart sends alerts when it’s not functioning effectively, from dizziness to extreme fatigue to swelling in the legs and feet. However, it takes some investigation to determine precisely what’s causing the problem. A MUGA scan helps with that. Our team of board-certified cardiologists at Premier Cardiology Consultants serves residents...

The Dangers of Hypertension Jun 19th, 2024

Despite its prevalence, hypertension often goes undetected because symptoms are nearly silent – until it leads to severe health complications, including heart attack, stroke, and death. The cardiologists at Premier Cardiology Consultants in New York City can help with the health complications of elevated blood pressure. However, we’d prefer to...

What's the Difference Between LDL and HDL? May 21st, 2024

Your body needs cholesterol. However, not all cholesterol types are equally beneficial. Understanding the difference between LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is crucial for maintaining heart health and overall well-being. Our team of interventional cardiologists at Premier Cardiology Consultants in New York have significant expertise in diagnosing and...

Are My Heart Palpitations Dangerous to My Health? Apr 11th, 2024

Heart palpitations are common, typically temporary, and not usually dangerous. However, because their causes can range from too much caffeine to a structural problem within the heart, they do require a second look.   Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants offers NYC residents comprehensive cardiology care, including diagnosing and treating the...

What Can I Expect During a Nuclear Heart Scan? Mar 7th, 2024

Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the United States. It’s also one of the most treatable or preventable chronic diseases, highly amenable to changes in diet and other heart-healthy habits. From early detection to treatment monitoring, the insights provided by nuclear imaging are instrumental in...

Is Chest Pain After Exercise Always Serious? Feb 2nd, 2024

Exercise is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle, offering numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being. However, chest pain after exercise could indicate a problem with your heart. The discomfort could also stem from numerous other issues that may or may not be life-threatening.   Our team at Premier...

What an Exercise Stress Test Reveals About Your Heart Health Jan 1st, 2024

When healthy, the human heart tirelessly pumps blood to nourish every cell in the body. Unfortunately, heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming a life every 33 seconds. One way of combatting heart-related mortality is identifying and treating conditions or areas of...

Can You Ever Be Too Young for Heart Disease?  Dec 4th, 2023

When it comes to health concerns, many people associate heart disease with aging. However, the reality is that heart disease, still the number one cause of death in the United States, doesn't discriminate based on age. In fact, the early warning signs of coronary artery disease, a common cause of...

Guarding Against Stroke: Explore the Benefits of the Watchman Procedure Nov 3rd, 2023

A stroke is an urgent medical condition that occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted or reduced. This lack of blood deprives the brain cells of oxygen, leading to cell death. The aftermath of a stroke can be devastating. Thus, preventing strokes is a significant focus for many...

3 Subtle Signs of Hypertension Oct 1st, 2023

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is often called the "silent killer" because many people do not exhibit symptoms until the condition becomes severe or causes complications, including heart disease, stroke, and irreversible kidney damage. Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants is committed to providing information that helps our fellow New Yorkers...

What Happens Before, During, and After a MUGA Scan Sep 2nd, 2023

The MUGA (multi-gated acquisition) scan or radionuclide angiogram is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure to evaluate how well your heart functions. Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants in New York City may include a MUGA scan as part of your workup when diagnosing and treating heart failure and other conditions that...

How Heart Attack Symptoms Are Different in Women Than Men Aug 1st, 2023

According to CDC estimates, nearly one million Americans have a heart attack each year. And surviving a heart attack often depends on how quickly you receive medical care. The first step then is to recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, which can vary significantly between women and...

When to Worry About Shortness of Breath After Exercise Jul 12th, 2023

During exercise, your body requires more oxygen to fuel the increased physical demand. This leads to faster and deeper breathing, a normal physiologic response often described as shortness of breath. However, there are times when shortness of breath with exertion signals potential health issues that need further investigation. Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants is...

Do Foods Play a Role in High LDL Cholesterol? Jun 1st, 2023

Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in our bodies and certain foods, plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including cell generation and hormone production. However, an excess of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (so-called "bad" cholesterol) can contribute to heart disease. Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants takes a comprehensive approach to...

How to Care for a Loved One After a Heart Attack May 10th, 2023

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 805,000 adults in the U.S. have a heart attack each year. That’s about one person every 40 seconds. Fortunately, most people survive their first heart attack, and sticking with treatment guidelines during recovery can help you live a long...

5 Common Causes of Chest Pain and What to do About It Apr 10th, 2023

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. But it’s not the most common cause of chest pain. That title belongs to digestive disorders such as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). But heart-related chest pain is often mistaken for indigestion, and many people...

Benefits of a Defibrillator After a Cardiac Arrest Mar 6th, 2023

Defibrillators are standard equipment in most medical facilities. Physicians use them to deliver an electric pulse to the heart to restore a normal rhythm during cardiac arrest. In addition, automated portable defibrillators are available for use outside hospitals and clinics. There is even a model small enough to fit inside...

5 Serious Health Complications of Uncontrolled Hypertension Feb 8th, 2023

Nearly half of the adults in the United States have elevated blood pressure (hypertension). Long-term health complications related to uncontrolled hypertension are significant. Fortunately, medication and lifestyle changes can usually keep your blood pressure under control. The team at Premier Cardiology Consultants offers quality cardiology care to people throughout New York City. Many of...

What an Electrocardiogram Can Reveal About Your Heart Jan 3rd, 2023

Electrocardiograms (ECGs or EKGs) have been around since the 1800s. The machines used in the early tests have undergone significant changes, including drastic downsizing. The first EKG machine weighed 600 pounds. Today’s digital consumer version is available via a smartphone app. However, despite its age, the EKG remains one of the...

All About A-Fib: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment Options for Atrial Fibrillation Dec 5th, 2022

Our team of board-certified cardiologists at Premier Cardiology Consultants is known for offering advanced cardiac diagnostic studies and top-level care to people throughout New York City. We’re happy to provide more information about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of atrial fibrillation (A-fib) and the treatments available for this common...

Why You Should Never Ignore Shortness of Breath Nov 1st, 2022

Shortness of breath is a symptom of numerous illnesses or chronic health conditions, ranging from anxiety to carbon monoxide poisoning to abnormal curvature of the spine (kyphoscoliosis).  Most often, however, shortness of breath is related to your lungs or heart, sometimes both. The team at Premier Cardiology Consultants is well...

Understanding Your Aneurysm Risk Factors Oct 6th, 2022

An aneurysm occurs in an area of damage or weakness in an artery. Many remain symptomatic throughout your life. However, they can eventually leak or rupture, causing severe health complications. Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants explains the potential health complications related to an aneurysm and the factors that increase your risk. What is...

How Restful Sleep Improves Your Heart Health Sep 6th, 2022

Along with helping you feel alert and ready to face the day’s challenges, a good night’s sleep can keep your heart beating its best. Restful sleep is also great for your digestion, nervous system, circulation, and bone health. Unfortunately, one in three adults admits they don’t get the seven to eight hours...

Causes of Heart Palpitations Aug 1st, 2022

Although palpitations are usually a temporary heart flutter that’s safe to ignore, they can indicate an underlying medical concern that requires attention. The team at Premier Cardiology Consultants explains the causes of heart palpitations and what they might mean about your cardiac health. What does a heart palpitation feel like? People often describe palpitations...

What to Expect During Holter Monitoring Jul 1st, 2022

Holter monitoring is a cardiac test that New York’s Premier Cardiology Consultants may recommend if a standard EKG doesn’t provide enough detail about your heart health. The team explains the benefits of Holter monitoring and why they may recommend this painless but lengthy diagnostic study. What is Holter monitoring? A Holter monitoring test...

Are Heart Problems Genetic? Jun 12th, 2022

The team at Premier Cardiology Consultants offers New York residents a wide range of advanced diagnostic studies and treatments for managing and preventing heart disease. Read what these experts say about genetics and cardiovascular disease and how you can use that information to help prevent heart attack, stroke, and other disabling illnesses. Understanding genetics and your...

What is Atrial Flutter? May 1st, 2022

Atrial flutter can make you feel like your heart is fluttering or beating much faster than the average rate of 60-100 beats per minute.  Without treatment, atrial flutter can eventually cause several serious health problems. Fortunately, it often responds well to medication or an outpatient procedure called catheter ablation. The...

The Best Heart-Healthy Foods Apr 7th, 2022

Healthy nutrition is often at the top of the list when you’re focusing on improving or maintaining your heart health. You’re not alone, though, if the many messages about what you should and shouldn’t eat leave you feeling overwhelmed and more than slightly confused. The team at Premier Cardiology Consultants,...

What You Should Know About Defibrillators Mar 17th, 2022

Defibrillators come in a variety of styles and types. Yours may be small enough to fit in your chest or smart enough to give you explicit instructions about when and how to use it. All defibrillators, however, are designed to do just one thing — restore a normal life-saving rhythm...

Varicose Veins Run in My Family — Can I Prevent Them? Feb 28th, 2022

While most people are mainly concerned with the cosmetic effects of varicose veins, they can also cause persistent leg swelling, open skin ulcerations, and other painful symptoms that make them difficult to ignore. The team of board-certified specialists at Premier Cardiology Consultants offers state-of-the-art cardiac care to patients of all...

Is Chest Pain Serious? Jan 11th, 2022

It’s natural to think “heart” whenever you experience chest pain. And you should take it seriously since it’s one of the warning signs of a heart attack. You might be relieved to learn, however, that chest pain is not always about your heart.  Our team of board-certified cardiologists, electrophysiologists, and...

HDL vs. LDL: Understanding Cholesterol and Your Health Dec 8th, 2021

The CDC estimates that about 94 million adults over the age of 20, and 7% of children aged six to 19 in the United States, have high cholesterol, which greatly increases your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. It makes sense then that cholesterol is likely one of...

What Causes Heart Valves to Fail? Nov 1st, 2021

According to the latest estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, valvular heart disease affects about 5 million individuals in the United States. It may not receive the same media attention as artery-clogging atherosclerosis and other potentially life-threatening heart ailments. Notably, however, the health ramifications of valve failure...

What Conditions Can Be Treated with a Defibrillator? Oct 4th, 2021

Contrary to popular fiction, a defibrillator can’t bring your heart back to life once it’s flatlined or stopped beating completely.  The device can, however, deliver an electric jolt that kicks your heart back into a more regular, life-saving rhythm if you’re experiencing a dangerous arrhythmia that may lead to sudden...

What Can I Expect After I Get Stents? Sep 6th, 2021

Stents are relatively tiny medical devices that specialists use to help maintain adequate blood flow through arteries clogged by atherosclerosis. But can a small mesh-like tube that’s about â…›-inch in diameter really save your life? Yes. The physicians and support staff at Premier Cardiology Consultants are well-known for using the...

How Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Blood Pressure Aug 5th, 2021

Sleep apnea is a disorder that prevents you from getting restful sleep, often causing daytime drowsiness, irritation, and forgetfulness. Did you know, though, that it can also have a significant impact on your blood pressure? The board-certified specialists at Premier Cardiology Consultants, known for providing the highest-quality cardiac care available...

Using Vascular Ultrasound to Examine Your Varicose Veins Jul 19th, 2021

The board-certified specialists at Premier Cardiology Consultants, with locations throughout New York City, have earned a solid reputation for providing top-level care that combines medical expertise with the most advanced technology available. Read how they use vascular ultrasound to map the blood flow through your veins, and why that matters...

Does Stress Impact Your Heart? Jun 23rd, 2021

You may acknowledge that rushed deadlines, stalled traffic, and other daily stressors can affect your emotional self. Did you know, though, that stress can cause physical changes to your heart? The cardiac specialists at Premier Cardiology Consultants discuss the effects of stress on your heart, and share tips on how...

The Link Between Your Diet and Heart Health May 20th, 2021

Amazing developments in medical technology and technique are able to improve your odds of overcoming the devastating effects of coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke. Yet heart disease continues to be the number one cause of death worldwide, claiming about 655,000 American lives every year. According to the Centers...

Chest Pain: Is it Ever Normal? Apr 13th, 2021

There’s nothing “normal” about pain. Joints, muscles, tendons, and other tissue structures experiencing discomfort reach out via nerve connections to sound an alarm and let your brain know that something isn’t quite right. But what does chest pain indicate? Is it always related to your heart? How can you tell?...

Adjusting to Life with a Pacemaker Mar 10th, 2021

Premier Cardiology Consultants’ mission is to offer comprehensive and personalized cardiac care to people of all ages in New York City and its surrounding counties. We have four beautiful facilities — in New Hyde Park on Long Island and Forest Hills, Rochdale, Jamaica, and Richmond Hill, in Queens, New York...

Are Heart Palpitations Dangerous? Feb 12th, 2021

Even perfectly healthy hearts may seem to skip a beat now and then. But is that occasional irregularity, commonly known as a heart palpitation, dangerous? Maybe. Maybe not. Premier Cardiology Consultants provides stellar cardiac care to New Yorkers from locations in New Hyde Park on Long Island, and Forest Hills,...

Am I at Risk for Hypertension? Jan 14th, 2021

Have you ever wondered why someone checks your blood pressure every time you visit the doctor’s office? It seems to be part of the routine — whether you’re there for a headache, a sore throat, or a painful big toe. What’s your blood pressure got to do with any of...

What Can Be Learned from a Stress Test? Dec 9th, 2020

The specialists here at Premier Cardiology Consultants are known for using the most accurate diagnostic studies available to measure your heart’s health. We’re pleased to offer outstanding cardiac care to residents throughout New York City from five convenient locations. We’re also committed to providing education about your heart function and...

When a Pacemaker Is Necessary Nov 10th, 2020

You may be surprised to learn that your heart has a built-in electrical system that controls the rate and rhythm of your heartbeat, but it’s key to your overall health. An abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) can cause death. When this natural electrical system isn’t functioning properly, an implanted pacemaker can...

Measuring Heart Function with a MUGA Scan Oct 7th, 2020

Heart disease remains a significant health concern in the United States, affecting about 30 million individuals and leading to more than 647,000 deaths per year. The good news? Technology and advances in medical science continue to improve the outcome for individuals diagnosed with heart disease. Highly rated for their medical...

Identifying Your Irregular Heart Rhythm with an Implantable Loop Recorder Sep 9th, 2020

When it’s functioning normally, your heart beats at a steady rate and rhythm of from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Arrhythmias occur when your heart beats too slowly, too quickly, or with an irregular rhythm. A persistent arrhythmia can cause dizziness, fainting, stroke, and even cardiac arrest. The board-certified...

The Benefits of Atherectomy for Improving Circulation Aug 13th, 2020

Did you know that the same plaque buildup that reduces blood flow in the arteries feeding your heart can also affect the vessels supplying vital, nutrient-rich blood to your legs and feet? Known as peripheral artery disease (PAD), this progressive condition affects over 8.5 million Americans and can greatly impair...

The Many Faces of Arrhythmia Jul 22nd, 2020

The average human heart beats about 100,000 times a day at a specific rate and rhythm. While an occasional skipped beat or palpitation isn’t typically serious, a pattern of irregularity can have a significant impact on your physical wellbeing.   The expert team at Premier Cardiology Consultants is well-known for providing...

What Are the Different Types of Angina? Jun 24th, 2020

Chest pain is a primary symptom of a heart attack. Angina is cardiac-related chest pain. So, if you have angina, does that mean you’re having a heart attack? No. A heart attack is what happens when blood flow to your heart is blocked. Angina occurs when arteries carrying blood to...

5 Symptoms that May Mean You Need a Pacemaker May 11th, 2020

Centuries before the first implantable pacemaker arrived on scene in 1958, medical pioneers such as Hippocrates, and even revered philosophers like Aristotle, were interested in how heart rhythms affected one’s physical health and overall wellbeing. Great advances in medical technology, combined with a better understanding of how the heart works,...

Reduce Your Stroke Risk with the WATCHMAN™ Procedure Mar 17th, 2020

Stroke is the third most common cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of long-term disability. The risk of having a stroke more than doubles each decade after your 55th birthday.  Are you at risk of stroke? Learn how you can reduce your risk with the...

What to Expect During and after a Stent Placement Feb 4th, 2020

Coronary artery disease is a narrowing or blockage of the major arteries in your heart often caused by atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. In the United States, coronary artery disease affects more than 16 million men and women. Left untreated, this disease can continue to make your arteries narrower,...

Start the New Year With a Healthy Heart: Why You Should Schedule a Stress Test Jan 10th, 2020

Heart problems aren’t always visible when your heart is at rest. That's why stress tests are so important. They can help find problematic heart conditions, determine the cause of various symptoms, and let your care provider know if you need more extensive treatments.  Our team at Premier Cardiology Consultants, with multiple...

Heart Attack vs. Cardiac Arrest: Why They’re Not the Same Dec 1st, 2019

It's easy to confuse a heart attack with cardiac arrest, since both are serious problems that impact your heart. The key to telling the difference is to consider the cause. Heart attacks are caused by problems with your circulation, while cardiac arrest is an electrical issue.  Because of this difference,...

WATCHMAN: Learn About the Only FDA-Approved Implant Proven to Reduce Stroke Nov 1st, 2019

Are you tired of taking your blood-thinning medication day after day? Are you ready to be free of blood thinners for good? Ditch blood thinners and their side effects forever with the only FDA-approved implant, the WATCHMAN. At Premier Cardiology Consultants in New York, our practitioners can help determine if...

How to Protect Your Heart From Atrial Fibrillation Oct 11th, 2019

Every year, more than 2 million Americans experience symptoms of atrial fibrillation, often described as a fluttering feeling in the chest caused by out-of-sync heart movements. Atrial fibrillation can put you at a much higher risk of stroke or heart attack. Understanding your condition and how to avoid episodes of...

Varicose Veins — More Than Just An Aesthetic Concern Sep 27th, 2019

About half of men and women have varicose veins by the time they reach age 50. Bulging, twisted and blue or dark purple in color, they’re easy to identify.  And in most instances, they aren’t medically concerning. Sometimes though, varicose veins are symptomatic of a medical problem that requires intervention....

Heart Attacks Don't Have An Age Preference Aug 15th, 2019

Heart health is not something that typically becomes a hot topic of discussion until we reach a certain age. You know, the age when our wrinkles become impossible to ignore and out stamina just isn’t what it used to be. According to statistics, there are just as many reasons to...

SVT Could Be The Cause of Your Racing Heart Jul 29th, 2019

When exercising or exerting yourself, you may not be surprised by an increase in your heart rate. While sleeping or relaxing with a good book, however, a racing heart can be quite alarming. At rest, there is no reason whatsoever for the heart to pound uncontrollably. This type of event...

Catheter Ablation For AFib Jul 15th, 2019

Statistics indicate that over 2 million Americans are affected by atrial fibrillation (AFib). This cardiac condition is one of the most common types of arrhythmia. More than a frightening sensation of quivering, irregular heartbeat, AFib can present some potentially serious risks for complications, including heart failure, stroke, and blood clots. We...

Addressing the role of family history in heart disease risk Jun 30th, 2019

For years, there has been a fair amount of confusion related to the “nature versus nurture” concept as it relates to the development of the disease. Studies do suggest that a person’s family history does, in fact, have some connection to the risk of potentially serious conditions like heart disease....

Types of Strokes and How To Lower Your Risk Jun 15th, 2019

Statistics indicate that nearly 800,000 people suffer a stroke each year. Currently, strokes are listed as the fifth leading cause of death in our country. This can sound disturbing. What we want you to know is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Research suggests that approximately 80 percent...

3 Tests to Get to Know Your Heart Better May 30th, 2019

The heart gets a fair amount of attention. Over hundreds of years, the heart has become the symbol of affection and love. Additionally, we know that the heart is central to health and longevity. When the heart is strong, we can expect to enjoy good overall health. A sick heart,...

It's allergy season! What that might mean for you May 15th, 2019

From Springtime on into the summer months, millions of people struggle with allergies related to pollen and other environmental factors. Because they are so widely available, the common perception of over-the-counter allergy medications is that they are safe. This Isn’t Necessarily A Given. Allergy drugs, both prescription and commercial, can...

Is It Anxiety or a Heart Problem? Apr 30th, 2019

Studies suggest that approximately 11 percent of the population suffers from a general anxiety disorder at some point during their lifetime. Anxiety may be felt like a general but low sense of unease, or it may come and go in moments of stress. For some, anxiety involves panic attacks, events...

Could your racing heart be caused by caffeine? Apr 15th, 2019

It is not uncommon to hear patients say that, when they started experiencing racing or skipping a heartbeat, they stopped drinking caffeinated beverages. In general, there is a widespread perception that caffeine may be a root cause of a racing heart, even in light of our overwhelming consumption of caffeinated...

More on Women and Heart Disease Mar 30th, 2019

In a recent article, we discussed the issue of heart disease and the subtle ways it presents in women, offering Susan Lucci’s recent health scare as an example. Hearing that heart disease is the number one killer of women can feel frightening, understandably. For that reason, we want to follow...

She acted on the signs, and it may have saved her life Mar 15th, 2019

Even those who did not grow up watching soap operas, the name Susan Lucci probably sounds familiar. The beloved soap opera star, age 72, has also appeared in television commercials and other shows, including Dancing with the Stars, through the years. Recently, the actress revealed that she had undergone emergency...

Living with Atrial Fibrillation Feb 28th, 2019

Discovering the cause of fluttering heart episodes can be both enlightening and a little frightening. Atrial fibrillation is a common type of irregular heartbeat, one that may occur due to damage within the heart’s electrical system. Atrial fibrillation, known as Afib, may stem from coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, or other...

Slow Heart Rate: What You Need to Know Feb 15th, 2019

As a person gets older, they may experience a decline in their heart rate. Referred to as bradycardia, a slower-than-normal heart rate is not an uncommon situation. It is, however, one that your doctor will want to monitor and for which treatment may become necessary. At rest, everyone’s heart rate slows...

New Risk Factors for Heart Disease Explained Jan 30th, 2019

Historically speaking, people of a certain age tend to become aware of potential risks to their long-term health. Many people know that obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure put them at risk for heart disease. However, the bigger picture has recently expanded to include potentially sneaky factors that...

What is a coronary calcium score and who needs them? Dec 30th, 2018

The need to protect the heart is well-known. As we have discovered the various aspects involved in long-term heart health – and the lack thereof – more people are creating lifestyle habits that reduce their risk of heart disease and cardiac events. More people are reaching for whole foods and...

My father had a heart attack, will I have one too? Dec 15th, 2018

Anyone who has a family history of heart attack, heart failure, coronary artery bypass surgery, or other incidents related to coronary artery disease may have one question: will I have it, too? The question is warranted, and it’s a good one to ask because it provides the opportunity to see how...

Holiday Heart Syndrome: Know Your Risks Nov 30th, 2018

 The term “holiday heart syndrome” first appeared in 1987, when 24 patient cases were studied during the holiday season. Each of the patients in the study visited the hospital with atrial fibrillation, a condition with symptoms including heart palpitations, light-headedness, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Atrial fibrillation occurs when...

November is American Diabetes Month, a Perfect Time to Talk Nov 15th, 2018

Approximately 30 million Americans have been diagnosed with Type I or Type II diabetes. It is estimated that another 8 million have undiagnosed diabetes and that 86 million Americans show signs of prediabetes. November is American Diabetes Month, and November 9th was National Diabetes Heart Health Awareness Day. Increased awareness...

Want to lower your blood pressure? Here are some workable strategies! Oct 30th, 2018

High blood pressure is an epidemic in our country and one that we shouldn’t take lightly. Statistics from the CDC reveal that 1 in 3 adults in our country has high blood pressure. That accounts for about 75 million of us. What is more concerning is that many more people may...

What is a Cardiac PET Scan? Oct 15th, 2018

Diagnostic tests are routinely performed to obtain valuable information regarding a person’s general health. Tests like ultrasounds and EKGs obtain data that helps doctors reach accurate conclusions about the symptoms a patient may be having. Every test is unique in some way. Here, we discuss the cardiac PET scan, what it is,...

Signs of Heart Disease in Men Sep 30th, 2018

Heart disease is a prevalent health problem for men and women. It has been estimated that 1 in 3 men develop heart disease. Because people with heart disease have a higher risk for cardiac events such as heart attack, it is vital to recognize the signs of this disease, as well...

Study suggests that coffee has cardiovascular benefits Sep 15th, 2018

Coffee is the morning beverage of choice for millions of people. The aroma, the rich flavor, and let’s not forget the nice little jolt of caffeine that comes in each cup. With every sip, the coffee lover feels more prepared to face the day. These aren’t the only attractive aspects...

Smoking or Weight Gain: Does One Have to Choose? Aug 30th, 2018

People who quit smoking gain both health and financial benefits. These are obviously things to cheer about. What smokers don’t cheer about is the assumption that they will inevitably gain weight when they quit smoking. The issue of weight gain is certainly not one we should overlook. However, what smokers might find...

Increasing Life Expectancy is Easy if You Know What a Healthy Lifestyle Looks Like Aug 15th, 2018

A recent study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation investigated the factors behind the relatively short life expectancy in our country. Despite being one of the wealthiest nations, the United States ranked #31 in the world for life expectancy. Why wouldn’t we want to explore the potential reasons...

Take a Hike! Your Heart Will Thank You Jul 30th, 2018

When you hear the term “hike,” do you imagine huffing it up a steep mountain or scrambling over rocky surfaces? This may be somewhat accurate. However, it would be on the extreme end of the spectrum. Hiking is a common pastime that, according to experts, is appropriate for people of...

Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest: Same Thing? Jul 15th, 2018

Several terms are commonly used to describe heart attacks; none of them are particularly helpful. Some, such as the grim-sounding “widow-maker,” can even cause unnecessary stress and confusion. While there is a need for quick and straightforward terminology, we realize the anxiety such terms may create. Here, we discuss the...

Beating the Summer Heat Keeps Your Heart Healthy Jun 30th, 2018

At first, the heat and humidity of summer can feel like a welcome reprieve from the freezing conditions of winter. As the temperature rises, though, new concerns come into play. The hotter it gets outside, the more we need to focus on hydration and sun protection. We also need to...

Dad, You Need to Listen to Your Heart! Jun 15th, 2018

June can mean a lot to any father. For some, this is a month in which they get to watch high-school children transition into an exciting new stage of life. June also marks the beginning of summer fun for many families and, of course, Father’s Day is celebrated at this...

Here’s What a Cardiac CT May Show May 30th, 2018

Clinical technologies are vital to the field of cardiology. In recent years, improvements in imaging modalities have helped cardiologists around the world observe various aspects of the heart in greater detail. We now have technology that enables us to see the beating heart, which allows us to provide the best...

Who Should See a Cardiologist? May 15th, 2018

The term “cardiovascular disease” is not unfamiliar these days, though it may commonly be called heart disease. Most people have some degree of awareness of the dangers of poor heart health. Generally, we are aware that our diet, lifestyle, and genetic makeup are involved in how well the heart functions...

Cardiac Stress Testing: What is It and Who Should Get It? Apr 30th, 2018

If cardiac stress testing is not something you’ve ever had, this diagnostic screening may sound intimidating. Standing alone, the word stress is used to describe something “bad,” so putting the word cardiac alongside it may double its negative connotation. Let us assure you that cardiac stress testing need not be a complicated...

Tips for Managing Cholesterol Levels Apr 15th, 2018

Cholesterol is a liver byproduct that serves an important role in physical function. For example, cholesterol is involved in the production of several hormones, and it lends flexibility to the walls of our cells.  As you may know, there is “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol. Working with your healthcare provider,...

Let’s Talk about Echocardiograms Mar 30th, 2018

There are some ways in which doctors can observe heart function and several reasons why we would want to. By observing the heart in motion, we can understand better the potential reasons for various symptoms that may be occurring and are then better able to manage heart health. Two common...

Here’s What Just One Cigarette a Day Can Do Mar 15th, 2018

Most people today are well aware of the dangers of smoking. The evidence is just too hard to ignore. On the other hand, the chemical constitution of cigarettes is so addictive that, once this habit is picked up, it can be one of the most difficult to quit. What many...

Aspirin Really Does Help Cardiovascular Health Feb 28th, 2018

For individuals with a family or personal history of cardiac events or conditions such as high blood pressure, maintaining heart health is an important topic of discussion. For many years, experts have extolled the use of low-dose aspirin to achieve this goal. Recent research further supports this recommendation and goes beyond the...

Study Suggests Women Benefit from Increasing their Physical Activity Feb 15th, 2018

We often hear about the value of healthy eating and exercise for heart health (and weight management, and much more). However, what may be questionable about such suggestions is the range of exercise that is most beneficial. Sure, any amount of physical activity is going to be good for the...

Does Your Heart Need a Checkup? Jan 30th, 2018

The body can tell you a lot when you listen. The problem is, when “interesting” signs and symptoms appear, what we really want to do is turn away. This kind of denial can lead to serious consequences. Here, we want to discuss a few ways your heart may be asking...

Could You be Facing Unknown Triggers for Afib? Jan 15th, 2018

Atrial fibrillation, known as afib, is a condition that reflects an irregularity in a person’s heartbeat. Either the heart pumps too quickly or at an erratic pace. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to approximately 6 million Americans may have atrial fibrillation. Many of them don’t...

Thinking of Becoming Vegetarian? Here’s How Your Body Can Benefit! Jan 14th, 2018

There is a lot of interest in meat-free diets these days, with everyone who “goes vegetarian” having their reasons for doing so. The journey from carnivore to herbivore may not be the easiest for some people, but the endeavor can be more than a little worthwhile, especially when care is...

Heart Healthy Habits Also Support Optimal Aging Dec 30th, 2017

Staying abreast of research is an important aspect of patient care. Our team is committed to learning and following studies that facilitate a better understanding of how the body works. In so doing, we can support patients as they pave a path for a life of heart and brain health....

How Your Sleep Patterns may be Affecting Heart Health Dec 15th, 2017

We all know that the lack of good sleep can make us feel foggy and cranky. As research continues on the topic of sleep patterns and long-term health and wellness, we are gaining insight into the immense value of several hours of deep, restful sleep. Recently, researchers have discovered a...

For Optimal Health, Look at Fat, not Weight Nov 30th, 2017

For many years now, there have been strong recommendations (and societal norms) related to weight. What is healthy? What is healthy for a man versus a woman? How do we manage the “natural” weight gain that occurs with age? These are all questions that people have even in light of...

To Protect your Brain, Take Care of Your Veins Nov 15th, 2017

Brain function is something that may diminish somewhat as we age, at least that is what many people believe. The truth is, our cognitive abilities do not have to decline sharply. We don’t have to forget important information or live in fear of dementia. When we know the factors that...

When Blood Pressure is Too Low Oct 30th, 2017

Usually, we celebrate when our blood pressure is a nice, low measurement. The reason that blood pressure is a common test performed on adults of all ages is that numbers that are higher than normal indicate an increased risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. While the desire for lower blood...

Heart Disease Risks in Pre-Menopausal Women Higher than Originally Believed Oct 15th, 2017

Heart disease is a potentially serious condition that can affect men and women of all ages (even younger adults). However, research suggests that there are certain times in life when more heart-affecting risk factors exist. It used to be thought that the time after a woman stopped menstruating were some of...

Be Still My Heart: Is it Palpitations or Atrial Fibrillation that Makes Your Heart Skip a Beat? Sep 30th, 2017

Most adults have felt it a time or two: that thump or fluttering sensation in the chest. This may occur while engaging in some physical activity, like working out or working in the yard. Arrhythmias may also occur for seemingly no good reason at all. In many cases, this sensation...

More Reasons Why Dog is Man’s Best Friend Sep 15th, 2017

We see bumper stickers dedicated to pets all the time. A popular message of late is “Who rescued who?” Whether a cherished pet was rescued from a shelter or not, this sentiment of love between a furry companion and owner cannot be denied. But the love that a human and...

Know the Risks and Symptoms of Peripheral Artery Disease Aug 30th, 2017

Heart health is integral to optimal circulation. Blood is pumped from the heart, out into the body via a system of arteries and veins. When the arteries to the extremities, the head, and the stomach become narrow, a person may receive a diagnosis of peripheral artery disease or PAD. Statistics...

Ways to Show Your Heart Some Love Aug 15th, 2017

When you think of those whom you love, you might say that you feel it with your whole heart. We associate the heart with feeling and giving love, but we also need to recognize that the heart, the actual organ that beats without us having to ask, needs to get...

Was that a Heart Attack? Jul 30th, 2017

Based on the telltale signs most people associate with “The Big One,” you would think that you would know without a doubt if a cardiac event were to occur. Interestingly enough, almost fifty-percent of heart-attack victims don’t put two and two together at the time of their event. Are they...

Why Downward Dog is Good for the Heart Jul 15th, 2017

Yoga is the hot new trend in fitness these days, and pretty much just a hot new trend in general. Those who try it once or twice tend to fall in love with the stretches, the poses; the savasana pose that ends all yoga practice. Those who haven’t yet tried...

Let’s Talk about Coronary Artery Disease Jun 30th, 2017

As one of the most common cardiovascular problems today, coronary artery disease is an important topic of discussion between doctors and their patients. Sometimes, this condition is referred to as atherosclerosis. These terms are used to describe plaque buildup in the blood vessels that lead to the heart. The accumulation...

Type II Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Managing Risks Jun 15th, 2017

Over 20 million American adults have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, the diabetic condition in which the body is not efficient in its use of glucose. It is estimated that at least 8 million more have diabetes but don’t know it. Whether due to insufficient insulin production or an...

Physical Activity for Heart Health: How Much is Too Much? May 30th, 2017

Physical activity is one of the primary factors in leading a long and healthy life. We live in a day and age of extremism, though, including sports and methods of exercise. This can lead one to overdo what is best suited to their body. Here, we will break down the...

Depressive Emotions after Heart Attack Should Not Come as a Surprise May 15th, 2017

There is no planning for a heart attack. Therefore, the occurrence of such a cardiac event is highly likely to cause what we would describe as “aftershocks,” emotional reaction to the unexpected and potentially fatal experience. Research indicates that there are several common responses that a heart-attack victim may encounter,...

The Miracle of Reversing Heart Disease Apr 30th, 2017

If you have been told that you have heart disease, a blockage in the coronary arteries, there is one thing we know for sure: you are frightened. This is the obvious response that most patients have when they realize that they may never look at their health and lifestyle the...

Cardiac Rehab: What It Is And What You Need To Know Apr 15th, 2017

The experience of a cardiac event is not one that we think of and say “Boy! I hope I get to do that!” No. As much as possible, most people would love to avoid any unpleasant symptoms or conditions affecting their hearts. And yet, heart disease and other conditions continue...

Is Tai Chi the Key To A Healthy Heart? Mar 30th, 2017

As springtime progresses into full bloom, more of us are looking for ways to get outdoors more often, and to get into better shape. Perhaps there is no greater benefit to being physically fit than the general health one experiences. We all know that activity is important to a healthy...

All We Need Is Love – and Chocolate Mar 15th, 2017

Valentine’s Day is just barely behind us, which means you just might have a box of chocolates you’ve been eyeballing every time you look in the pantry or fridge. You don’t want to toss out the evidence of someone’s affection for you, but you don’t want to ruin your health...

Aortic Stenosis: What you Need to Know Feb 28th, 2017

Stenosis. It is a term used to describe the narrowing of some pathways. Aortic stenosis is a diagnosis that may sound frightening due to its relation to the blood flow coming from the heart. As you can imagine, the aortic valve is integral to a fully-operational heart. The presence of...

You and your Cardiologist: Building Trust Feb 15th, 2017

Individuals who have been diagnosed with heart disease or any cardiovascular condition that may require ongoing care know the value of building trust within the doctor-patient relationship. We recognize the importance of trust, as well. Our staff of physicians and assistants know the unsettling feeling that goes hand-in-hand with heart...

Wine and your Heart: News from Across the Pond Jan 30th, 2017

For many years now, Americans’ love for wine (red wine, in particular) has continually grown. Much of the hoopla stems from an early 1990’s report that touted the health benefits of resveratrol, in which research suggested that the regular consumption of cheese and red wine was at the heart of...

7 Important Questions About Your Heart Jan 15th, 2017

In order to live life to the fullest, you need a healthy heart. If you find yourself in our office, or in front of any cardiac specialist, you may have so many questions that you have difficulty forming them into complete thoughts in your head. The idea that you may...

Let’s Talk about Sodium Intake Dec 30th, 2016

Sodium. It’s a substance that people are told to limit when they visit the doctor, especially if they have any type of heart problem or high blood pressure. The reason that sodium, found in table salt and much more, as we will see, should be limited is that it causes...

Feel your Best with These Holiday Healthy Heart Tips Dec 15th, 2016

The holiday season seems to creep up on us every year. One minute, we’re preparing for trick-or-treaters and the next, Buddy the Elf is on every television channel and holiday songs on every radio station. Whether you bounce right through the holidays or you would describe your journey as more...

Fighting Heart Disease is Easier Than You May Think Nov 30th, 2016

Current statistics indicate that heart disease is a major problem for men and women around the world, taking nearly 7 million lives annually. Earlier this year, the American Heart Association joined with Google’s Life Sciences division to announce a $50 million contribution to research and development for a specific group...

Pitter-Patter: What are Heart Flutters all about? Nov 15th, 2016

If you have had the sensation of a quickly-beating heart, irregular beats, a flip-flop or fluttering sensation, or have occasionally felt as though your heart is skipping, you may have more than a slight concern that your heart is not functioning at optimal capacity. If your heart flutters are accompanied...

How our Modern Lifestyle is Bad for the Heart Oct 30th, 2016

Over the past several decades, research has revealed more than we have ever known about what makes the heart tick, quite literally. We now have a number of tips on how to keep the heart healthy, such as avoiding processed, fried foods high in saturated fat. Most experts also encourage...

Are you Approaching Menopause? Let’s talk about your Heart. Oct 15th, 2016

The various changes that a woman’s body encounters over time are too numerous to list. The major change that gets a great deal of attention, as it should, is the cessation of menstruation. Historically, jabs have been made about the monthly period, with women lamenting its exit from their lives...

Let’s Talk Stroke Prevention Sep 30th, 2016

We often hear of how we can take better care of ourselves to prevent heart attacks. Here, we want to discuss the issue of the “brain attack,” or stroke. Research is showing an increase in the number of strokes, especially among relatively young women. Because one cannot predict the onset of this...

Study Investigates the Link Between Depression and Stroke in Middle Aged Women Sep 15th, 2016

According to previous studies, researchers have believed for some time that individuals who suffer a stroke may be more prone to depression following their event. In a more recent study, the correlation between the event and the chronic state of depression was studied in reverse, and the findings were quite...

Want a Healthier Heart? Manage Stress! Aug 30th, 2016

Stress has become a prevalent problem that, in many Americans, simply goes unmanaged. Daily life seems to require our full attention from the moment we wake to the moment we drift off into an often restless sleep. The more we are learning about stress, though, the more we encourage our...